It is a never-ending story, and in the end, it is always about the same thig. But the way people tell it differs:

Many people just say they “want to get (or become) rich”. They believe that just by accumulating money they one day can define themselves as “rich”.

The eventual financial number is complete subjective, of course.

First of all, I think it is fair to say that many of these thoughts simply remain thoughts and dreams. Because they are never (or let’s say rarely) combined with the right and necessary action (I’m talking about that later) .

Why is that?

I’m going to make a claim here:

People with the dream of „becoming rich“ like to play the blame-game. And I PERSONALLY HAVE THE IMPRESSION they like to play it A LOT:

„My job doesn’t pay much, the clients are few, things are expensive, taxes must be paid.“

And yes, that just stops them to have „a lot of money“ – which is required to be „rich“, right?

(Funny thing is, the above statemare are or may be true altogether.)

But do you see the pattern? It’s someone else’s fault that this person can not accumulate as much money as it takes to eventually become “rich”. There is always another factor in the way. And as long as these factors are there, there is no way one can get rich. Bottom line: There is always some sort of complaining about it.

This is of course, completely level-one thinking.

Because guess what: The same factors also exist in the rich-peoples-world. There are also expensive things in the rich-peoples world (ask a business owner who’s cost of energy, supplies, employers, etc. quadrupled). Yes, and taxes must be paid, too.

Bottom line, how is it possible then, that people actually CAN become “rich” (let’s stick with this level-one term for one more line) even though they are effected by the same external obstacles as EVERY person.


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The ‚Secret‘ To Becoming Wealthy


There is probably no other word in the internet that gets more butchered than the word „secret“. So is becoming walthy a secret, a cultural, class or educational thing?

No, it is not.

First of all, people „who made it“ tell their story different. They say, “I want to become financially independent”. This is an important distinction because it is more concrete. Second thing, and spoiler alert, IF they complain, they also ask what can they do about it.

But let’s get back to becoming “financially independent” for a second. When you say it that way, you automatically have an idea that your incoming money somehow must exceed your expenses. It is the first noble truth why you are financially independent. And all that without working, which means time trading for money. Financial independence means, that you have enough cash producing assets working for you that exceeds your expenses automatically.
That is something you HAVE to realize and to strive for when creating a plan and preparing your steps.

When you say “I want to become rich” this equation is not necessarily solved. Although being rich momentarily, you could still be in a horrible financial situation overall, maybe not short-term but in the long term. „Being rich“ does not mean your assets are good enough to keep you financially alive automatically for the rest of your life.

Talking about financial independence on the other hand makes you thinking about what concrete steps need to be taken.

And here comes the second part into play: instead of complaining about the obstacles, you create a real plan about how to make it happen – not by hoping the obstacles will go away one day.

Can you fathom what that means?

Yes, becoming financially independent is a matter of personal strategy, an actual plan, not a matter of fate, luck or even the size of your salary.

How does the plan look like? How can you find your personal plan?

That will be discussed next week in Part 2.